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*Supports thyroid health

*Promotes mood and focus

*Enhances mood and focus

*Boosts mental energy

*Encourages greater fat burning

*Facilitates weight loss

Thyrogenic is a all natural, stimulant-free thyroid support formula engineered to support a healthy metabolism and encourage optimal thyroid function. Also doubles as a stim-free fat loss formula that packs an intense thermogenic punch, helping your body burn more calories and lose weight faster.

They thyroid is small in stature (weighting in between 20-60 grams on average),yet despite its diminutive nature, it is one of the most critical glands of the body as it secretes a trio hormones that affect every cell in the body!

Two of those hormones (Triiodothyronine, T3, and Tetraiodothyrone, T4) play a major role in weight maintenance as both T3 and T4 increase basal metabolic rate (BMR) which makes your cells work harder, and ultimately burn more energy. An underactive thyroid can bring about a host of complications including depression, forgetfulness, severe fatigue, and weight gain. What's more, an estimated 20 million Americans have some form of thyroid disorder, with as many as 60% of those affected are unaware of their condition.

One of the primary building blocks for thyroid hormones is trace mineral iodine, which is found predominantly in fish, shellfish, and seaweed. Unfortunately, iodine deficiency is incredibly common, which can lead to subpar thyroid performance. Thyrogenic includes 115mcg of natural iodine from premium-quality whole kelp extract to support thyroid production hormone.

Since thyroid function is also known to play a role in memory, concentration and cognitive function, included is a key nutrients in Tyrosine, Ashwagandha and magnesium, an essential mineral involved in 300+ biological processes. Included is also stim free weight loss agents compounds in LeanGBB, Olive Leaf, and Guggulsterones to help your body burn more fat and facilitate body recomposition.

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