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MATADOR is the latest cutting edge physique definition agent from Anabolic Designs. Containing no stimulants or prohormones, Matador testers are nonetheless reporting serious increases in lean gains, fat reduction, vastly improved muscle pumps during workouts, with long term vascularity and an all round muscle fullness. Matador helps you achieve a fuller yet leaner physique at the same time! With perhaps the most advanced Glucose disposal agent ever released it can aid in you achieving lower body fat storage and a greater nutrient drive to the muscles.


*Matador is the ultimate glucose disposal agent. It amplifies the anabolic effects of the master hormone insulin, driving nutrients forcefully towards the muscles for extreme growth and away from unwanted fat storage.

The results is extreme muscle fullness, absurd pumps, roadmap vascularity and the ability to control high carbohydrate diets in the manner you want. Users of Marador can expect to experience surreal, blood engorging muscle pumps during their workouts like never before.

*Matador is also the perfect body composition agent: its enhanced nutrient uptake to the muscles make it perfect for minimizing fat gain during bulking phases, and also excellent for carbohydrate sensitive individuals during fat loss. Its nutrient partitioning effects are profoundly visible from the first week of use.

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